Laboratory for Biophysics
(Bannai Lab)
Waseda University
Faculty of Science and Engineering
Department of Electrical Engineering and Bioscience
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project PI
Hiroko Bannai Ph. D
Working Address:
Waseda University
Faculty of Science and Engineering
Department of Electrical Engineering and Bioscience
2-2 Wakamatsu-cho, Shinjuku-ku,
Tokyo 162-8480, Japan
ResearcherID: I-7130-2014
ORCID: field
Cell Biology
Research topics
Single Molecule Imaging, Bioimaging, Neurons, Glia,
Synaptic plasticity, Calcium signals, Tau
Affiliated Societies
The Biophysical Society of Japan
The Japan Neuroscience Society
FY2020-present: Science Council of Japan, Member (section II)
FY2019-present: The Biophysical Society of Japan, Future planning committee, Outreach committee.
FY2019-present: The Biophysical Society of Japan, Website editorWhat's New
2021.12.19 Presentation at Pacifichem 2021 conference Symposium "Trans-scale Biochemical Analysis of Rare Events in Living Systems: Singularity Biology".
2021.11.18 Presentation at SNM2021:14th International Symposium on Nanomedicine.
2021.8.24 Presentation at Canadian Neuroscience 2021 conference (CAN-ACN2021) Plenary Symposium – Japanese Neuroscience Society joint symposium
List of 2020 publication1) Bannai H., Inoue T., Hirose M., Niwa F., Mikoshiba K. (2020) Synaptic Function and Neuropathological Disease Revealed by Quantum Dot-Single- Particle Tracking. In: Yamamoto N., Okada Y. (eds) Single Molecule Microscopy in Neurobiology. Neuromethods, vol 154. Humana, New York, NY.
2) Bannai H, Niwa F, Sakuragi S, Mikoshiba K.(2020) Inhibitory synaptic transmission tuned by Ca2+ and glutamate through the control of GABAA R lateral Diffusion dynamics.
Dev Growth Differ (62) 398-406
Presentation at the 57th Annual Meeting of the Biophysical Society of Japan Symposium on "Singularity Biology".
Six B3 students have been assigned to the Biophysics Lab. These are the first students.
2019.9.21Started a new Lab (Laboratory for Biophysics) in Waseda University, Faculty of Science and Engineering
Department of Electrical Engineering and Bioscience, as a Professor
Lab members
FY2022 member
○ Hiroko Bannai (Professor)
○ Shigeo Sakuragi (Assistant Professor)◯ Kimiko Tada (Research Assistant)
Master Course Students
○ Mingzhe Li (M2)
○ Ayano Machida (M2)
○ Ayano Chikuma (M1)○ Taro Katagiri (M1)
○ Iona Katayama (M1)○ Chisato Oyama (M1)○ Yoshihiro Sakata (M1)○ Boxiao Zhao (M1)○ Kaede Ito (M1)○ Yuya Kasai (M1)○ Stali Krassimirov Stalev (M1)Undergraduate Students
○ Ren Sakata (B4)
○ Tomoya Uchida (B4)
○ Miu Enomoto (B4)
○ Naoki Kato (B4)
○ Rie Kato (B4)
○ Nathaniel Sebastian Haryono (B4)○ Miu Osako (B4)Former members
○ Takaya Kamezaki ◯ Tomoya Nozawa
○ Takuro Shioi ◯ Tomoya Shoji
◯ Shota Tanimoto ○ Takeru Ishii○ Yuta Suzuki
Brain function revealed by single-molecule imaging
QD-SPT: A powerful tool to visualize the molecular dynamics
According to the fluid mosaic model, plasma membrane molecules such as lipids and transmembrane proteins have the ability to undergo lateral diffusion freely throughout the cell. In some cell types, however, specific membrane molecules are concentrated in cellular microdomains, by overcoming the randomizing effects of free diffusion. This polarized distribution of membrane molecules is crucial for various cell functions, thus it is important to understand the mechanism through which the cell regulates the lateral diffusion of membrane molecules.
Quantum-dot single particle tracking (QD-SPT), a single molecule imaging technique using semiconductor nanocrystal quantum dots as a fluorescent probe, is a powerful tool to analyze the behavior of proteins and lipids on the plasma membrane. QD-SPT experiments that allowed us to obtain further insights into the strategy and physiological relevance of membrane self-organization in neurons and astrocytes, two major component cells in the brain.
What does membrane dynamics tell us?
Single-molecule resolution imaging has highlighted the existence and importance of self-organization mechanisms in neurons and glia. Additionally, a growing body of evidence demonstrates that neuronal and glial receptor dynamics become abnormal in disease states. Altered molecular diffusion dynamics comprise an important pathological phenotype.
FEATURED Publication
Bannai H, Lévi S, Schweizer C, Dahan M, *Triller A. “Imaging the lateral diffusion of membrane molecules with quantum dots.”
Nature Protocols 1:2628-2634. (2006)
Bannai H, Lévi S, Schweizer C, Inoue T, Launey T. Racine V, Sibarita J.B, Mikoshiba K, Triller A.
“Activity-Dependent Tuning of Inhibitory Neurotransmission Based on GABAAR Diffusion Dynamics”
Neuron 62:670-682. (2009) * Selected for Cover
Arizono M, *Bannai H, Nakamura K, Niwa F, Enomoto M, Matsu-Ura T, Miyamoto A, Sherwood MW, Nakamura T, *Mikoshiba K. “Receptor-selective diffusion barrier enhances sensitivity of astrocytic processes to metabotropic glutamate receptor stimulation.”
Science Signaling 5: ra27. (2012) *Featured at Science Signaling Pod Cast
Bannai H1, Niwa F1, Sherwood MW, Shrivastava AN, Arizono M, Miyamoto A, Sugiura K, Lévi S, Triller A*, Mikoshiba K*. (1: co-first author) “Bidirectional Control of Synaptic GABAAR Clustering by Glutamate and Calcium”
Cell Reports, 13: 2768-2780 (2015)
REVIEW Article
*Bannai H
"Molecular membrane dynamics: Insights into synaptic function and neuropathological disease"
Neuroscience Resaerch, 129: 47-56 (2018) * Selected for Cover
Bannai H., Inoue T., Hirose M., Niwa F., Mikoshiba K. (2020)
"Synaptic Function and Neuropathological Disease Revealed by Quantum Dot-Single- Particle Tracking."
In: Yamamoto N., Okada Y. (eds) Single Molecule Microscopy in Neurobiology. Neuromethods, vol 154. Humana, New York, NY.
Bannai H, Niwa F, Sakuragi S, Mikoshiba K.(2020)"Inhibitory synaptic transmission tuned by Ca2+ and glutamate through the control of GABAA R lateral Diffusion dynamics."
Dev Growth Differ. (62) 398-406
Bannai, H., Hirose, M., Niwa, F., Mikoshiba, K."Dissection of Local Ca2+ Signals in Cultured Cells by Membrane-targeted Ca2+ Indicators."
J. Vis. Exp. (145), e59246, doi:10.3791/59246 (2019).
2018*Bannai H (Review Article)
"Molecular membrane dynamics: Insights into synaptic function and neuropathological disease"
Neuroscience Resaerch, 129: 47-56 (2018) * Selected for Cover
2017Sakuragi S, Niwa F, Oda Y, Mikoshiba K*, Bannai H*
“Astroglial Ca2+ signaling is generated by the coordination of IP3R and store-operated Ca2+ channels”
Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 486: 879-85 (2017)
Vervliet T, Pintelon I, Welkenhuyzen K, Bootman MD, Bannai H, Mikoshiba K, Martinet W, Nadif Kasri N, Parys JB, Bultynck G.
Basal ryanodine receptor activity suppresses autophagic flux.
Biochem Pharmacol.132:133-142. (2017) doi: 10.1016/j.bcp.2017.03.011.
Sherwood MW, Arizono M, Hisatsune C, Bannai H, Ebisui E, Sherwood JL, Panatier A, Oliet SH, Mikoshiba K.
“Astrocytic IP3Rs: Contribution to Ca2+ signalling and hippocampal LTP.”
Glia 65(3):502-513. (2017) doi: 10.1002/glia.23107.
Niwa F, Sakuragi S, Kobayashi A, Takagi S, Oda Y, Bannai H*, Mikoshiba K*.
“Dissection of local Ca(2+) signals inside cytosol by ER-targeted Ca(2+) indicator.”
Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 479(1):67-73 (2016)
Bannai H1,, Niwa F1, Sherwood MW, Shrivastava AN, Arizono M, Miyamoto A, Sugiura K, Lévi S, Triller A*, Mikoshiba K*. (1: co-first author)
“Bidirectional Control of Synaptic GABAAR Clustering by Glutamate and Calcium”
Cell Reports, 13: 2768-2780 (2015)
Arizono M, Bannai H, *Mikoshiba K.
“Imaging mGluR5 Dynamics in Astrocytes Using Quantum Dots.”
Curr Protoc Neurosci. 66:2.21.1-2.21.18. (2014)
Wu YW, Tang X, Arizono M, Bannai H, Shih PY, Dembitskaya Y, Kazantsev V, Tanaka M, Itohara S, Mikoshiba K, *Semyanov A. “Spatiotemporal calcium dynamics in single astrocytes and its modulation by neuronal activity.”
Cell Calcium. 55:119-29. (2014)
Miyamoto A, Bannai H, Michikawa T, Mikoshiba K*.
“Optimal microscopic systems for long-term imaging of intracellular calcium using a ratiometric genetically-encoded calcium indicator.”
Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 434(2):252-7. (2013)
Arizono M, *Bannai H, Nakamura K, Niwa F, Enomoto M, Matsu-Ura T, Miyamoto A, Sherwood MW, Nakamura T, *Mikoshiba K. “Receptor-selective diffusion barrier enhances sensitivity of astrocytic processes to metabotropic glutamate receptor stimulation.”
Science Signaling 5: ra27. (2012)
*Featured at Science Signaling Pod Cast
Niwa F, *Bannai H, Arizono M, Fukatsu K, *Triller A, *Mikoshiba K “Gephyrin-independent GABAAR mobility and clustering during plasticity.”
PLoS ONE 7: e36148. (2012)
Tamamushi S Nakamura T, Inoue T, Ebisui E, Sugiura K, Bannai H, *Mikoshiba K.
“Type 2 inositol 1,4, 5-trisphosphate receptor is predominantly involved in agonist-induced Ca(2+) signaling in Bergmann glia. “
Neurosci Res. 74: 32-41. (2012) * Selected for Cover
Nakamura H, Bannai H, Inoue T, *Michikawa T, Sano M, *Mikoshiba K. “Cooperative and stochastic calcium releases from multiple calcium puff sites generate calcium microdomains in intact HeLa cells.”
J Biol Chem 287: 24563-24572. (2012)
Renner M, Schweizer C, Bannai H, Triller A, *Lévi S.
“Diffusion barriers constrain receptors at synapses.”
PLoS ONE 7: e43032.(2012)
Fukatsu K, Bannai H, InoueT, *Mikoshiba K.
”Lateral diffusion of inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate receptor type 1 in Purkinje cells is regulated by calcium and actin filaments.”
J Neurochem, 11: 1720-1733. (2010)
Bannai H, Lévi S, Schweizer C, Inoue T, Launey T. Racine V, Sibarita J.B, Mikoshiba K, Triller A.
“Activity-Dependent Tuning of Inhibitory Neurotransmission Based on GABAAR Diffusion Dynamics”
Neuron 62:670-682. (2009) * Selected for Cover
Lévi S, Schweizer C, Bannai H, Pascual O, Charrier C, *Triller A.
“Homeostatic regulation of synaptic GlyR numbers and lateral diffusion.”
Neuron 59:261-273. (2008) [66, IF5y16.092]
Bannai H, Lévi S, Schweizer C, Dahan M, *Triller A. “Imaging the lateral diffusion of membrane molecules with quantum dots.”
Nature Protocols 1:2628-2634. (2006) [92, IF5y 11.296]
Fukatsu K, Bannai H, *Inoue T, Mikoshiba K. “4.1N binding regions of inositol 1,4,5- trisphosphate receptor type 1.”
Biochem Biophys Res Commun 342:573-576. (2006) [16 IF5y2.392]
Tateishi Y, *Hattori M, Nakayama T, Iwai M, Bannai H, Nakamura T, Michikawa T, Inoue T, Mikoshiba K. “Cluster formation of inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate receptor requires its transition to open state.”
J Biol Chem 280:6816-6822. (2005)
Bannai H, Fukatsu K, Mizutani A, Natsume T, Iemura SI, Ikegami T, *Inoue T, Mikoshiba K. “An RNA-interacting Protein, SYNCRIP (Heterogeneous Nuclear Ribonuclear Protein Q1/NSAP1) Is a Component of mRNA Granule Transported with Inositol 1,4,5- Trisphosphate Receptor Type 1 mRNA in Neuronal Dendrites.”
J Biol Chem 279:53427-53434. (2004) [56]
Fukatsu K, Bannai H, Zhang S, Nakamura H, *Inoue T, Mikoshiba K. “Lateral diffusion of inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate receptor type 1 is regulated by actin filaments and 4.1N in neuronal dendrites.”
J Biol Chem 279:48976-48982. (2004) [63]
Bannai H, *Inoue T, Nakayama T, Hattori M, Mikoshiba K. “Kinesin dependent, rapid, bi-directional transport of ER sub-compartment in dendrites of hippocampal neurons.”
J Cell Sci 117:163-175. (2004)
Nakayama T, *Hattori M, Uchida K, Nakamura T, Tateishi Y, Bannai H, Iwai M, Michikawa T, Inoue T, Mikoshiba K. “The regulatory domain of the inositol 1,4,5- trisphosphate receptor is necessary to keep the channel domain closed: possible physiological significance of specific cleavage by caspase 3.”
Biochem J 377:299-307. (2004)
*Zhang S, Mizutani A, Hisatsune C, Higo T, Bannai H, Nakayama T, Hattori M, *Mikoshiba K. “Protein 4.1N is required for translocation of inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate receptor type 1 to the basolateral membrane domain in polarized Madin-Darby canine kidney cells.”
J Biol Chem 278:4048-4056. (2003)
Bannai H, Yoshimura M, Takahashi K, *Shingyoji C. “Calcium regulation of microtubule sliding in reactivated sea urchin sperm flagella.”
J Cell Sci 113: 831-839. (2000)
【Movie】Mechanism of brain revealed by single-molecule imaging. (Japanese)
2016, Aug, 6th Lecture to public.
*Roaming receptors
Neurons communicate more efficiently when neuronal activity causes inhibitory receptors to diffuse away from the synapse
*A new starring role for astrocytes
Identification of a novel membrane barrier in astrocytes may illuminate how neurological signaling is disrupted in patients with Alzheimer’s and epilepsy
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Bibliography 経歴
Hiroko Bannai (Ph. D Sci)
Department of Biological Sciences, Graduate School of Science, University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan.
PhD of Science: March 29th, 2000; Master of Science: March 28th, 1997.
Department of Biological Sciences, Faculty of Science, University of Tokyo
Bachelor of Science: March 28th, 1995
2019 September-
ProfessorWaseda University, Faculty of Science and Engineering, Dept of Electrical Engineering and Bioscience,
2019 April –2019 SeptemberDesignated Lecturer
Dept of Neurophysiology, Keio University School of Medicine
2016 April –2019 MarchJST PRESTO researcher (Full-time) /RIKEN Visiting Research Scientist
“Innovative technology platforms for integrated single cell analysis”
2013 April –2015 March
Designated Lecturer
Lab. Brain Function and Structure (Nagoya Research Center for Brain & Neural Circuits)
Department of Biological Science
Graduate School of Science, Nagoya University, Japan
PRESTO researcher (concurrent position) 2015 October – 2016 March
“Innovative technology platforms for integrated single cell analysis”
2012 April –2013 March
Postdoctoral fellow, JSPS research fellow
Division of Molecular Neurobiology, Brain Science Institute, RIKEN.
Supervisor: Dr. Katsuhiko MIKOSHIBA
2010 April –2012 March
Research Scientist
Division of Molecular Neurobiology, Brain Science Institute, RIKEN.
Supervisor: Dr. Katsuhiko MIKOSHIBA
2007 April -2010 March
Special Postdoctoral Researcher
Division of Molecular Neurobiology, Brain Science Institute, RIKEN.
Supervisor: Dr. Katsuhiko MIKOSHIBA
2005 April -2007 March
Postdoctoral fellow, JSPS research fellow,
Biologie Cellulaire de la Synapse N & P, INSERM U789
Ecole Normale Supérieure Paris, France
Supervisor: Dr Antoine TRILLER
2000 April -2005 March
Research Scientist
Division of Molecular Neurobiology, Brain Science Institute, RIKEN.
Supervisor: Dr. Katsuhiko MIKOSHIBA
1995 April -2000 March
Ph.D Student
Graduate School of Science, University of Tokyo.
Supervisor: Dr. Chikako SHINGYOJI
Physiology I for the third-year undergraduate students.
(1-2 classes among 14 classes in a semester, in Japanese)
A seminar class for the second-year undergraduate students.
(6-7 classes among 14 classes in a semester, in Japanese)
Laboratory training for the second-year undergraduate students.
(in Japanese and in English)
Supervise a Post-doctoral researcher (Dr. Shigeo Sakuragi)
Supervise two Ph. D students
(Univ. Tokyo, Dr. Misa Arizono and Dr. Fumihiro Niwa).
Supervise a Ph. D student (Univ. Tokyo, Dr. Kazumi Fukatsu).
Teaching assistant, University of Tokyo.
2021 Teaching Award "2020 Autumn 生命科学B(1)"
2021 Teaching President Award "2020 Spring 脳神経生理病理学"
Japan Neuroscience Society Young Investigator Award
RIKEN SPDR Poster award
4th Early Research in Biophysics Award of the Biophysical Society of Japan
Past Activities
2019.4.1Moved to Keio University, School of Medicine, Dept of Physiology, Yuzaki Lab, as a Designated Lecturer
2019.3.23A video protocol for local Ca2+ imaging "Dissection of Local Ca2+ Signals in Cultured Cells by Membrane-targeted Ca2+ Indicators" has been published
Keynote lecture in The 16th International Membrane Research Forum
Reported the research during the PRESTO single cell project.
2018.12.8Lecture in 12th International Symposium on Nanomedicine in Yamaguchi
Started "Singularity Biology" Project (MEXT Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research on Innovative Areas.)
Received 14th JSPS Prize
Copyright © 2016